NU-TWIST Surface Mount Holder

CMW NU TWIST Surface Mount Holder

The CMW NU-TWIST system is designed for high pressure welding. The flat bottom style of the NU-TWIST electrode does not jam or deform the taper under forces greater than 2,000 lbs. The system features a hex locking nut that can easily be tightened by hand or with a wrench. The o-ring seals provide tight water connections. The internal baffle directs the water flow to the tip. The double groove design of the electrode accurately locks the nut into place with a maximum of a turn and a half.

NU-TWIST surface mount adapters can easily be mounted directly to a platen with cap socket screws. The assembly includes the Adapter Nut, Base, electrode Seals, and hose barbs.

The system comes in 3 different sizes:

  • Size 1
  • Size 2
  • Size 4
PartDescription RWMA Material Type Mounting Screws NU-TWIST Tip Size Height of Tip from Base [P] Base Length [V] Base Width [M] Base Thickness [D] Unit of Measure O-ring Included
18-801 CMW RWMA Class 2 #10-24 Cap Screws Size 1 NU-TWIST 1.25000 1.50 1.00000 0.56 IN Yes
18-802 CMW RWMA Class 2 1/4-20 Cap Screws Size 2 NU-TWIST 1.81250 2.50 1.50000 0.88 IN Yes
18-804 CMW RWMA Class 2 1/4-20 Cap Screws Size 4 NU-TWIST 1.81250 3.00 2.00000 0.88 IN Yes
18-801 CMW 18-802 CMW 18-804 CMW